7 nætter fra Dijon med AmaCello

Krydstogt detaljer

  • 29 maj til 5 juni 2025
  • 7 Nætter
  • 2 Voksne
  • AmaCello
  • Dijon, Chalon-sur Saône, Tournus, Macon, Villefranche-sur-Saone, Lyon, Vienne, Valence, Avignon, Arles
Udvendig kahyt Fra kr. 28.887 pr. person
Balkon kahyt Fra kr. 37.154 pr. person
Suite Fra kr. 47.195 pr. person


AmaCello har siden år 2008 sejlet på flodeventyr. Skibet består af fire dæk og har kapacitet til 144 gæster.

Kahytterne er rummelige og indrettet i fransk stil med god udsigt fra vindue eller fransk altan. Alle kahytterne har TV, værdiboks, hårtørrer, badekåber og aircondition.

Undervejs kan gæster nyde gourmetmad fra restauranten, en drink i baren, afslapning på soldækket, underholdning i loungen, fitness eller skønne spa-behandlinger.

Valgt afgang: 29 maj 2025
Pris pr. person fra: kr. 28.887


  • Varighed: 7 nætter
  • Rederi og skib: AmaWaterways, AmaCello
  • Afrejsehavn: Dijon
  • Billigste krydstogt: kr. 28.887 (29 maj 2025)

Prisen inkluderer

Morgenmad, frokost, middag og snacks i hovedrestauranten eller i buffetrestauranten
Vin, øl, sodavand til frokost og middag
“Sip ‘n Sail” Happy hour før middag
Stort udvalg af udflugter
Gratis lån af cykler
Forskellige (sports)aktiviteter og underholdning


29 maj 25
Ankomst kl 02:00
Afgang kl 02:00
Chalon-sur Saône
30 maj 25
Ankomst kl 02:00
Afgang kl 02:00

Chalon-sur-Saône is a commune in the Saône-et-Loire department in the region of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté in eastern France. It is a sub-prefecture of the department. It is the largest city in the department; however, the department capital is the smaller city of Mâcon.

31 maj 25
Ankomst kl 02:00
Afgang kl 02:00

Tournus is a commune in the Saône-et-Loire department in the region of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté in eastern France.

1 juni 25
Ankomst kl 02:00
Afgang kl 02:00

Macon is a city in central Georgia. Ocmulgee National Monument has large Native American earthen mounds from around 1000 A.D., and its museum displays artifacts spanning thousands of years. The Tubman Museum’s exhibits on African-American art, history and culture include a huge mural and the Inventors Gallery. The Allman Brothers Band Museum at the Big House shows memorabilia in the rock band’s former home.

1 juni 25
Ankomst kl 02:00
Afgang kl 02:00

Villefranche-sur-Saône is a commune in the Rhône department in eastern France. It lies 1 mile west of the Saône River, and is around 25 kilometres north of Lyon. The inhabitants of the town are called Caladois.

2 juni 25
Ankomst kl 02:00
Afgang kl 02:00

Lyon, the capital city in France’s Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, sits at the junction of the Rhône and Saône rivers. Its center reflects 2,000 years of history from the Roman Amphithéâtre des Trois Gaules, medieval and Renaissance architecture in Vieux (Old) Lyon, to the modern Confluence district on Presqu’île peninsula. Traboules, covered passageways between buildings, connect Vieux Lyon and La Croix-Rousse

3 juni 25
Ankomst kl 02:00
Afgang kl 02:00

Vienne is a commune in southeastern France, located 35 kilometres south of Lyon, at the confluence of the Gère river and the Rhône. Today, it is only the fourth largest city in the Isère department, of which it is a subprefecture, but was a major center of the Roman Empire.

3 juni 25
Ankomst kl 02:00
Afgang kl 02:00

Valence is a city in southeast France. It’s home to St-Apollinaire Cathedral, dating from the 11th century. The Valence Museum offers art and archaeology displays, plus views over the Rhône Valley. Jouvet Park features canals and a rose garden. Carved heads adorn the 16th-century Maison des Têtes. Across the Rhône River are the medieval Château de Crussol and the Soyons Archaeological Site, with its caves and museum.

4 juni 25
Ankomst kl 02:00
Afgang kl 02:00

Avignon, a city in southeastern France’s Provence region, is set on the Rhône River. From 1309 to 1377, it was the seat of the Catholic popes. It remained under papal rule until becoming part of France in 1791. This legacy can be seen in the massive Palais des Papes (Popes’ Palace) in the city center, which is surrounded by medieval stone ramparts.

5 juni 25
Ankomst kl 02:00
Afgang kl 02:00

Arles is a city on the Rhône River in the Provence region of southern France. It’s famed for inspiring the paintings of Van Gogh, which influenced the contemporary art displayed at the Fondation Vincent Van Gogh. Once a provincial capital of ancient Rome, Arles is also known for many remains from that era, including Arles Amphitheatre (les Arènes d’Arles), now hosting plays, concerts and bullfights.

29 maj '25
Ankomst kl 02:00
Afgang kl 02:00
Chalon-sur Saône
30 maj '25
Ankomst kl 02:00
Afgang kl 02:00

Chalon-sur-Saône is a commune in the Saône-et-Loire department in the region of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté in eastern France. It is a sub-prefecture of the department. It is the largest city in the department; however, the department capital is the smaller city of Mâcon.

31 maj '25
Ankomst kl 02:00
Afgang kl 02:00

Tournus is a commune in the Saône-et-Loire department in the region of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté in eastern France.

1 juni '25
Ankomst kl 02:00
Afgang kl 02:00

Macon is a city in central Georgia. Ocmulgee National Monument has large Native American earthen mounds from around 1000 A.D., and its museum displays artifacts spanning thousands of years. The Tubman Museum’s exhibits on African-American art, history and culture include a huge mural and the Inventors Gallery. The Allman Brothers Band Museum at the Big House shows memorabilia in the rock band’s former home.

1 juni '25
Ankomst kl 02:00
Afgang kl 02:00

Villefranche-sur-Saône is a commune in the Rhône department in eastern France. It lies 1 mile west of the Saône River, and is around 25 kilometres north of Lyon. The inhabitants of the town are called Caladois.

2 juni '25
Ankomst kl 02:00
Afgang kl 02:00

Lyon, the capital city in France’s Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, sits at the junction of the Rhône and Saône rivers. Its center reflects 2,000 years of history from the Roman Amphithéâtre des Trois Gaules, medieval and Renaissance architecture in Vieux (Old) Lyon, to the modern Confluence district on Presqu’île peninsula. Traboules, covered passageways between buildings, connect Vieux Lyon and La Croix-Rousse

3 juni '25
Ankomst kl 02:00
Afgang kl 02:00

Vienne is a commune in southeastern France, located 35 kilometres south of Lyon, at the confluence of the Gère river and the Rhône. Today, it is only the fourth largest city in the Isère department, of which it is a subprefecture, but was a major center of the Roman Empire.

3 juni '25
Ankomst kl 02:00
Afgang kl 02:00

Valence is a city in southeast France. It’s home to St-Apollinaire Cathedral, dating from the 11th century. The Valence Museum offers art and archaeology displays, plus views over the Rhône Valley. Jouvet Park features canals and a rose garden. Carved heads adorn the 16th-century Maison des Têtes. Across the Rhône River are the medieval Château de Crussol and the Soyons Archaeological Site, with its caves and museum.

4 juni '25
Ankomst kl 02:00
Afgang kl 02:00

Avignon, a city in southeastern France’s Provence region, is set on the Rhône River. From 1309 to 1377, it was the seat of the Catholic popes. It remained under papal rule until becoming part of France in 1791. This legacy can be seen in the massive Palais des Papes (Popes’ Palace) in the city center, which is surrounded by medieval stone ramparts.

5 juni '25
Ankomst kl 02:00
Afgang kl 02:00

Arles is a city on the Rhône River in the Provence region of southern France. It’s famed for inspiring the paintings of Van Gogh, which influenced the contemporary art displayed at the Fondation Vincent Van Gogh. Once a provincial capital of ancient Rome, Arles is also known for many remains from that era, including Arles Amphitheatre (les Arènes d’Arles), now hosting plays, concerts and bullfights.


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Udvendig Kahyt

In-room temperature control Deluxe hotel-style bedding with Egyptian linen, down pillows and duvet Spacious bathrooms with multi-jet showerheads Large wardrobe, full-length mirror, hair dryer, safe and direct-dial telephone Flat-screen TV that also works as a computer Entertainment on Demand system providing complimentary TV, movies and music library Complimentary internet and Wi-Fi Complimentary bottled water replenished daily Desk and chair


In-room temperature control Deluxe hotel-style bedding with Egyptian linen, down pillows and duvet Spacious bathrooms with multi-jet showerheads Large wardrobe, full-length mirror, hair dryer, safe and direct-dial telephone Flat-screen TV that also works as a computer Entertainment on Demand system providing complimentary TV, movies and music library Complimentary internet and Wi-Fi Complimentary bottled water replenished daily Desk and chair


In-room temperature control Deluxe hotel-style bedding with Egyptian linen, down pillows and duvet Spacious bathrooms with multi-jet showerheads Large wardrobe, full-length mirror, hair dryer, safe and direct-dial telephone Flat-screen TV that also works as a computer Entertainment on Demand system providing complimentary TV, movies and music library Complimentary internet and Wi-Fi Complimentary bottled water replenished daily Desk and chair


Når det drejer sig om flodkrydstogter i Europa, er Amawaterways et af de mest anerkendte rederier. Det familieejede Amawaterways er amerikansk, og har eksisteret siden 2002. Et flodkrydstogt er den perfekte måde at opleve Europas gamle floder og byer på. Du får set Europas smukke natur på en helt ny måde, og intet slår at ankomme til den næste storby fra floden af. På de flodkrydstogter Amawaterways tilbyder kan du virkelig mærke kontinentets historie. Hver gang du runder flodens næste hjørne, vil du se nye og spændende indtryk.

Amawaterways skibe tilbyder luksus og komfort. Et flodkrydstogt med Amawaterways betyder afslapning, god mad og eventyrlig stemning på højt niveau. Skibet tilbyder forskellige restauranter, barer og soldæk. Derudover er der fitness-center, frisør, pool og massage. Sammen med alle disse lækre faciliteter er der også ofte live-musik og underholdning på skibet. Om bord på skibet tales engelsk som hovedsprog. Når du køber et krydstogt hos Amawaterways, er en masse ting inkluderet i prisen. Blandt andet får du et program fuld af planlagte udflugter, ligesom middage samt vin, øl og vand til frokost og middag.

Hvis du ikke synes, at de planlagte udflugter er nok, er der i forbindelse med de fleste rejser mulighed for tilkøb af landarrangementer før eller efter krydstogter.

Så har du lyst til at opleve Europa med dets floder som hovedvej, og drikke et glas kølig vin mens du sejler igennem historiske steder og storslået natuer, så er et flodkrydstogt med Amawaterways det helt rigtige for dig.

Find dit krydstogt her



AmaCello har siden år 2008 sejlet på flodeventyr. Skibet består af fire dæk og har kapacitet til 144 gæster.

Kahytterne er rummelige og indrettet i fransk stil med god udsigt fra vindue eller fransk altan. Alle kahytterne har TV, værdiboks, hårtørrer, badekåber og aircondition.

Undervejs kan gæster nyde gourmetmad fra restauranten, en drink i baren, afslapning på soldækket, underholdning i loungen, fitness eller skønne spa-behandlinger.


Interaktivt TV
Lounge med internet adgang
Satelit telefon

Mad og drikke

Main Lobby
The Restaurant


Navigation Bridge
Observation Deck


Beauty Salon
Fully Air Conditioned
Hair Salon


Få et tilbud

70 200 100

Man - Fre: 9:00 - 17:00

