25 nætter fra Darwin med Silver Nova

Krydstogt detaljer

  • 5 november til 30 november 2025
  • 25 Nætter
  • 2 Voksne
  • Silver Nova
  • Darwin Australia, Til søs, Ashmore Reef Australia, Broome Australia, Broome Australia, Til søs, Exmouth Australia, Til søs, Til søs, Fremantle, Fremantle, Busselton, Til søs, Esperance, Til søs, Til søs, Port Lincoln, Adelaide Australia, Adelaide Australia, Penneshaw Kangaroo Island, Robe, Til søs, Hobart (Tasmania) Australia, Hobart (Tasmania) Australia, Til søs, Melbourne Australia
Suite Fra kr. 130.804 pr. person


Silversea præsenterer i sommeren 2023 deres 11. skib i flåden og en helt ny luksus oplevelse til havs med Silver Nova. Skibets innovative asymmetriske og horisontale design skaber en eksklusiv oplevelse og en helt særligt kontakt til havet og destinationerne med masser af luft og plads indendørs og udendørs til gæsterne.

Silversea tilbyder 13 forskellige typer af luksuriøse suiter. Alle suiterne er smagfuldt og elegant indrettet med moderne underholdningsudstyr og butlerservice. Suiterne kan bookes med skønne verandaer i teaktræ og glas med panoramiske udsigter til hav og himmel, store gulv-til- loft vinduer samt badeværelser i marmor og balkon med jacuzzi.

De offentlige arealer på Silversea er moderne indrettet med store glaspartier, og selv elevatorer til bagbord og styrbord har glasvægge og udsigt til havet. Glæd dig til fortræffelige gastronomiske måltider på de otte restauranter, samt skønne drinks og cocktails på de mange barer.

Silver Nova er konstrueret med banebrydende miljøvenlige teknologier. Hun drives af en trio af hybride bæredygtige kræfter og med flydende naturgas, Liquified Natural Gas (LNG), verdens reneste fossile brændstof, til at producere al energi ombord, både i havnene og til søs. Denne innovative løsning reducerer udstødningsemissionerne betydeligt og vil derfor være mere bæredygtig og skånsom mod miljøet.

På Silver Nova vil du blive en del af det første vigtige skridt imod en æra af bæredygtige krydstogter, som beskytter både klimaet og havets skrøbelige fauna og flora.

Tekniske specifikationer:
Bygget: 2023. Antal gæster: 728 gæster. Mandskabskapacitet: 556. Bruttonage: 54. 700 ton. Længde: 244 meter. Bredde: 28 meter fod. Fart: 35 km/t.

Valgt afgang: 5 november 2025
Pris pr. person fra: kr. 130.804


  • Varighed: 25 nætter
  • Rederi og skib: Silversea, Silver Nova
  • Afrejsehavn: Darwin
  • Billigste krydstogt: kr. 130.804 (5 november 2025)


5 november 25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 20:00

“Australia’s capital of the north is a uniquely tropical city, and a historically isolated outpost of this vast, diverse country. Reaching up towards the equator, a full 2,000 miles from Sydney and Melbourne, the city was named in honour of Charles Darwin by the British settlers who established a frontier outpost here. With a unique history, beautiful islands nearby, and a palette of sizzling Pacific flavours, colourful Darwin is an enchanting and exotic Australian destination. Crocodiles patrol the jungled waterways and tropical rainforests around Australia’s gateway to the Top End.

Explore via airboat to look down on the veiny waterways of the mist-laced Kakadu National Park. The sounds of chattering birdlife and the gentle splash of fountains and waterfalls will fill your ears in George Brown Darwin Botanic Gardens. Soak it all in, before kicking back and relaxing with a picnic and a crackling barbecue. The sunshine and famous tropical pink sunsets mean many visitors naturally gravitate to the city’s soft sands to relax at spots like pretty Mindil Beach, as evening approaches. The adjoining market is filled with souvenirs and crafts stands and is the perfect great place to enjoy some fiery Asian flavours. Stroll the stalls, grab some food, and crack open an ice-frosted beer as the sunset show begins. It may be remote, but Darwin found itself on the front line during the Pacific War, as the Japanese air force unloaded their bombs onto the city in 1942. This relaxed unassuming city has a deeply resilient backbone, however, and you can explore the museums to learn more of the war’s impact on Darwin, as well as the devastating effects of one of Australia’s worst natural disasters, Cyclone Tracy in 1973.”

Til søs
6 november 25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 01:00

En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.

Ashmore Reef
7 november 25
Ankomst kl 07:30
Afgang kl 09:00

The Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands is an uninhabited external territory of Australia consisting of four low-lying tropical islands in two separate reefs, and the 12-nautical-mile territorial sea generated by the islands

8 november 25
Ankomst kl 10:00
Afgang kl 01:00

Gateway to the oldest and most elusive of all Australia’s nine regions, Broome is where your Kimberley adventure begins. The ancient landscape has long held travellers spellbound: The Kimberley is three time larger than England but has a population of just 35,000, is over 65,000 years old and is home to 2,000 km of coastline. Almost impenetrable, incredibly remote, the red baked earth, prolific wildlife, majestic canyons and swimming holes are the stuff of Australian wilderness dreams.

English explorer William Dampier was the first explorer to set foot in Broome in 1668. However, the land had long been used as a trading route between east and west Kimberley for Aboriginal families. These semi-nomadic tribes respected strict unwritten rules regarding ownership of the land. The Yawuru people remain the Native Title holders for the township of Broome to this day. Broome itself has over 84 Aboriginal communities affiliated to it, 78 of which are considered remote. The city grew from its nascent pearling industry of the late 19th century. Pearl diving was dangerous in the waters surrounding Broome and for many years divers were limited to Aboriginal slaves, skin divers who faced cyclones, sharks, crocodiles, ear and chest infections in order to bring up as many pearl shells as possible for their masters. Natural pearls were rare and extremely valuable, and when found, were placed in a locked box. At the peak of its industry, around 1914, Broome was responsible for 80% of the world’s pearl trade.

9 november 25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 19:00

Gateway to the oldest and most elusive of all Australia’s nine regions, Broome is where your Kimberley adventure begins. The ancient landscape has long held travellers spellbound: The Kimberley is three time larger than England but has a population of just 35,000, is over 65,000 years old and is home to 2,000 km of coastline. Almost impenetrable, incredibly remote, the red baked earth, prolific wildlife, majestic canyons and swimming holes are the stuff of Australian wilderness dreams.

English explorer William Dampier was the first explorer to set foot in Broome in 1668. However, the land had long been used as a trading route between east and west Kimberley for Aboriginal families. These semi-nomadic tribes respected strict unwritten rules regarding ownership of the land. The Yawuru people remain the Native Title holders for the township of Broome to this day. Broome itself has over 84 Aboriginal communities affiliated to it, 78 of which are considered remote. The city grew from its nascent pearling industry of the late 19th century. Pearl diving was dangerous in the waters surrounding Broome and for many years divers were limited to Aboriginal slaves, skin divers who faced cyclones, sharks, crocodiles, ear and chest infections in order to bring up as many pearl shells as possible for their masters. Natural pearls were rare and extremely valuable, and when found, were placed in a locked box. At the peak of its industry, around 1914, Broome was responsible for 80% of the world’s pearl trade.

Til søs
10 november 25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 01:00

En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.

11 november 25
Ankomst kl 09:00
Afgang kl 20:00

The key location of Exmouth along the Western Australian coast has meant that this area lays claim to many interesting historical landmarks, industries and research stations, including the old Navy Pier and the Learmonth Solar Observatory, which is jointly operated by the IPS Radio and Space Services and by the US Air Force. In fact, Exmouth was built in 1967 to serve the American Naval Communication Station but has since become a tourist base for visits to the Cape Range National Park and Ningaloo Marine Park.

The cloud-free atmosphere especially suited for VLF (very low frequency) transmissions and the prolific marine wildlife has helped to attract tourism. But the infrastructure still remains rather limited.

Til søs
12 november 25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 01:00

En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.

Til søs
13 november 25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 01:00

En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.

14 november 25
Ankomst kl 09:00
Afgang kl 01:00

Coming in at number seven on Lonely Planet’s list of best places to live, Fremantle has finally begun to shake off the shadow of neighbouring big brother Perth. With just 20 kilometres separating the two cities, Perth, with its happy hippie vibe has long been the big pull for visitors to the region. But Fremantle’s colourful past and bright future gives Perth as good as it gets. The coastal city has undergone a complete revamp since the America’s Cup thrust Fremantle into the spotlight in 1987.

Over AUS$ 1,3 billion has been poured into revamping the city, and the fruits of the city’s labour are ripe for picking. Investment in the arts has brought Fremantle to the fore of thriving urban culture, while generous grants for small businesses has led to groovy live-music rooms, hipster bars, boutique hotels, left-field bookshops, craft-beer breweries, Indian Ocean seafood shacks amid the buskers and beaches. If that doesn’t not sound like your glass of beer, we guarantee a stroll along the wooden riverside walkway will change your mind. The city also enjoys another, rather different status. Fremantle was one of Australia’s penal cities, vestiges of which can still be found in Fremantle Prison. Almost 10,000 convicts were condemned to life imprisonment here between 1850 and 1868, but the prison remained in use until 1991. Today, the memorable sandstone building is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and at just 15 minutes from port is well worth a visit. Just don’t forget your get out of jail free card.

15 november 25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 23:00

Coming in at number seven on Lonely Planet’s list of best places to live, Fremantle has finally begun to shake off the shadow of neighbouring big brother Perth. With just 20 kilometres separating the two cities, Perth, with its happy hippie vibe has long been the big pull for visitors to the region. But Fremantle’s colourful past and bright future gives Perth as good as it gets. The coastal city has undergone a complete revamp since the America’s Cup thrust Fremantle into the spotlight in 1987.

Over AUS$ 1,3 billion has been poured into revamping the city, and the fruits of the city’s labour are ripe for picking. Investment in the arts has brought Fremantle to the fore of thriving urban culture, while generous grants for small businesses has led to groovy live-music rooms, hipster bars, boutique hotels, left-field bookshops, craft-beer breweries, Indian Ocean seafood shacks amid the buskers and beaches. If that doesn’t not sound like your glass of beer, we guarantee a stroll along the wooden riverside walkway will change your mind. The city also enjoys another, rather different status. Fremantle was one of Australia’s penal cities, vestiges of which can still be found in Fremantle Prison. Almost 10,000 convicts were condemned to life imprisonment here between 1850 and 1868, but the prison remained in use until 1991. Today, the memorable sandstone building is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and at just 15 minutes from port is well worth a visit. Just don’t forget your get out of jail free card.

16 november 25
Ankomst kl 09:00
Afgang kl 19:00

Bordering the Indian Ocean, Geographe Bay’s Busselton has a Mediterranean style climate. The region features national parks, towering forests, caves, historic lighthouses and some of the best surfing beaches in the country. Other attractions include wineries and micro-breweries in the Margaret River wine region to the south. Busselton’s iconic jetty –at over 1.8 km the longest wooden jetty in the southern hemisphere- has an ‘Underwater Observatory’ that descends 8 meters to the ocean floor via a spiral staircase to see tropical and sub-tropical corals, sponges, fish and invertebrates.

Til søs
17 november 25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 01:00

En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.

18 november 25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 01:00

Esperance and the Recherche Archipelago sheltering Esperance Bay received their name in 1792, when a French expedition under d’Entrecasteaux looked for shelter from a storm. Ten years later Matthew Flinders took refuge at Lucky Bay, some 30 kilometers southeast of Esperance near Cape Le Grand, another feature named during the French visit. It was not until the 1860s that settlement began and by the 1890s Esperance was known as the “Gateway to the Goldfields” further inland. Today some 12,000 residents live in Esperance.

The town is southeast Western Australia’s only port and as such quite important for grain and mineral exports. Tourism is a major factor as Esperance and its surrounding area have such unusual attractions as a museum featuring debris from Skylab’s 1979 return to earth, a full-size replica of Stonehenge, the Pink Lake –which formerly used to be pink- an IBA for Hooded Plovers and Banded Stilts, several national parks and some of the whitest beaches in Australia. Lucky Bay is one of the iconic places, as kangaroos are regularly seen on the beach sunbathing.

Til søs
19 november 25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 01:00

En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.

Til søs
20 november 25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 01:00

En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.

Port Lincoln
21 november 25
Ankomst kl 09:00
Afgang kl 19:00

Known as the seafood capital of Australia, Port Lincoln is a foodie paradise. Home to Australia’s largest fishing fleet, numerous seafood restaurants and a prized local wine region, this is one destination where it pays to travel with your taste buds. The city’s traditional name in Barngala is ‘Kallinyalla’ (pronounced Galinyalla), literally translating as ‘sweet waters’. That should give you some indication of how seriously the ocean is taken in these parts – it provides employment, entertainment and experiences that are just unseen in other parts of the country. View less

Add in contrasting coastal landscape that ranges from quiet coves to surf happy beaches to rugged oceanic coastline, and you’ll soon see why Port Lincoln is fast becoming one of Australia’s favourite places. The city is located on the lower Eyre Peninsula, on the shore of Boston Bay. Discovered by Matthew Flinders in 1802, Port Lincoln was once under consideration to become the state’s capital. However, a lack of freshwater mired that idea, forcing settlers to look 280 kilometres east, to Adelaide. While European discovery is fairly recent, historians should note that the region had been inhabited by Aboriginal groups including the Nauo (south-western Eyre), Barngarla (eastern Eyre), Wirangu (north-western Eyre) and Mirning (far-western Eyre) for over 40,000 years. For those who want to look beyond the city boundaries, Port Lincoln is home to some extremely diverse and abundant nature, and a trip to the National Park is well worth it.

22 november 25
Ankomst kl 09:00
Afgang kl 01:00

For those of you that might think that Adelaide lacks behind its coastal counterparts in terms of culture and creativity, think again. Adelaide is a thriving urban city with bright, leafy alleys that beg to be explored. The city’s labyrinthine lanes and alleys are bursting with bars and eateries, serving everything from local craft beer to a modern Australian cuisine. Uber aware of their carbon footprint, Adeladians like to keep things close to home, so expect lots of local produce which is abundant, fresh and delicious.

Unsurprisingly, Barossa wine from the neighbouring valley features prominently on wine lists everywhere. Naturally, a lot of life centres around the lovely beaches, which are home to surfers, sheltered waters and wide boulevards. The coast is blessed with acres of parkland, perfect for lazing the afternoon away. Many of Australia’s most beautiful (and historic) buildings can be found within the boundaries of the city including the handsomely-restored former Railway Building, numerous stately Colonial buildings, St. Peter’s Cathedral, the grand old Parliament Buildings and nearby Government House, which all make a worthy addition to any visit. Adelaide is of course known for its wide diversity of faiths, and as such carries its nickname “the city of churches” with pride. Contrary to other Australian penal settlements, Adelaide was a free settlement. This meant that it was also a state free from religious persecution, leading rise to the construction of many churches.

23 november 25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 23:00

For those of you that might think that Adelaide lacks behind its coastal counterparts in terms of culture and creativity, think again. Adelaide is a thriving urban city with bright, leafy alleys that beg to be explored. The city’s labyrinthine lanes and alleys are bursting with bars and eateries, serving everything from local craft beer to a modern Australian cuisine. Uber aware of their carbon footprint, Adeladians like to keep things close to home, so expect lots of local produce which is abundant, fresh and delicious.

Unsurprisingly, Barossa wine from the neighbouring valley features prominently on wine lists everywhere. Naturally, a lot of life centres around the lovely beaches, which are home to surfers, sheltered waters and wide boulevards. The coast is blessed with acres of parkland, perfect for lazing the afternoon away. Many of Australia’s most beautiful (and historic) buildings can be found within the boundaries of the city including the handsomely-restored former Railway Building, numerous stately Colonial buildings, St. Peter’s Cathedral, the grand old Parliament Buildings and nearby Government House, which all make a worthy addition to any visit. Adelaide is of course known for its wide diversity of faiths, and as such carries its nickname “the city of churches” with pride. Contrary to other Australian penal settlements, Adelaide was a free settlement. This meant that it was also a state free from religious persecution, leading rise to the construction of many churches.

Kangaroo Island
24 november 25
Ankomst kl 09:00
Afgang kl 19:00
25 november 25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 01:00
Til søs
26 november 25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 01:00

En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.

Hobart (Tasmania)
27 november 25
Ankomst kl 14:00
Afgang kl 01:00

Mount Wellington’s looming, cloud-wisped form is an ever-present sight as you explore booming Hobart, the cosmopolitan capital of Australia’s most southerly state. A former British penal colony, nowadays Australia’s second-oldest city is a place to live the free and easy life. Encircled by dramatic cliffs, landscaped gardens and rolling vineyards, Hobart is also well stacked with cultural pursuits including museums, and respected – if controversial – galleries plastering new and old art to their walls. View less

With fresh sea breezes and a fabulous location, Hobart is a creative place, where you can browse the produce of local artisans in Saturday’s massive Salamanca Market – which draws visitors from all across Tasmania and beyond. Eat at waterfront restaurants, or rise up Mount Wellington’s slopes to appreciate the remoteness of Hobart’s location. From this elevated platform, you can look down across views of flowing forests, undulating mountains and endless ocean swallowing up the city. Further away, animal sanctuaries introduce you to the island’s famous inhabitants, including the famous Tasmanian devil. Thirsty? Hobart has a long brewing tradition – so enjoy a refreshing ale poured from the country’s oldest brewery. The climate’s blend of generous sunshine and cool Antarctic breezes helps Hobart to produce its acclaimed wines, and thick clumps of pinot noir grapes hang from vineyards dotted along the valleys nearby. Taste the wines, accompanied by a platter of artisan cheese and sausage. Whiskey aficionados aren’t left in the cold either, with international award-winning distilleries close by.

Hobart (Tasmania)
28 november 25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 19:00

Mount Wellington’s looming, cloud-wisped form is an ever-present sight as you explore booming Hobart, the cosmopolitan capital of Australia’s most southerly state. A former British penal colony, nowadays Australia’s second-oldest city is a place to live the free and easy life. Encircled by dramatic cliffs, landscaped gardens and rolling vineyards, Hobart is also well stacked with cultural pursuits including museums, and respected – if controversial – galleries plastering new and old art to their walls. View less

With fresh sea breezes and a fabulous location, Hobart is a creative place, where you can browse the produce of local artisans in Saturday’s massive Salamanca Market – which draws visitors from all across Tasmania and beyond. Eat at waterfront restaurants, or rise up Mount Wellington’s slopes to appreciate the remoteness of Hobart’s location. From this elevated platform, you can look down across views of flowing forests, undulating mountains and endless ocean swallowing up the city. Further away, animal sanctuaries introduce you to the island’s famous inhabitants, including the famous Tasmanian devil. Thirsty? Hobart has a long brewing tradition – so enjoy a refreshing ale poured from the country’s oldest brewery. The climate’s blend of generous sunshine and cool Antarctic breezes helps Hobart to produce its acclaimed wines, and thick clumps of pinot noir grapes hang from vineyards dotted along the valleys nearby. Taste the wines, accompanied by a platter of artisan cheese and sausage. Whiskey aficionados aren’t left in the cold either, with international award-winning distilleries close by.

Til søs
29 november 25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 01:00

En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.

30 november 25
Ankomst kl 08:00
Afgang kl 01:00

Melbourne is about the same size as Sydney, but there the similarity ends. Where Sydney is a jumble of hills and inlets, Melbourne spreads over a flat plain. Its pace, steadfast and sedate, contrasts with Sydney’s upbeat and brassy lifestyle.
Tree-shaded parks and gardens, a quiet bay and a proud stateliness become this capital of culture and the arts. Grand municipal buildings and splendid Victorian edifices, which sprang up in the wake of the gold rush, stand proudly along broad avenues.

5 november '25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 20:00

“Australia’s capital of the north is a uniquely tropical city, and a historically isolated outpost of this vast, diverse country. Reaching up towards the equator, a full 2,000 miles from Sydney and Melbourne, the city was named in honour of Charles Darwin by the British settlers who established a frontier outpost here. With a unique history, beautiful islands nearby, and a palette of sizzling Pacific flavours, colourful Darwin is an enchanting and exotic Australian destination. Crocodiles patrol the jungled waterways and tropical rainforests around Australia’s gateway to the Top End.

Explore via airboat to look down on the veiny waterways of the mist-laced Kakadu National Park. The sounds of chattering birdlife and the gentle splash of fountains and waterfalls will fill your ears in George Brown Darwin Botanic Gardens. Soak it all in, before kicking back and relaxing with a picnic and a crackling barbecue. The sunshine and famous tropical pink sunsets mean many visitors naturally gravitate to the city’s soft sands to relax at spots like pretty Mindil Beach, as evening approaches. The adjoining market is filled with souvenirs and crafts stands and is the perfect great place to enjoy some fiery Asian flavours. Stroll the stalls, grab some food, and crack open an ice-frosted beer as the sunset show begins. It may be remote, but Darwin found itself on the front line during the Pacific War, as the Japanese air force unloaded their bombs onto the city in 1942. This relaxed unassuming city has a deeply resilient backbone, however, and you can explore the museums to learn more of the war’s impact on Darwin, as well as the devastating effects of one of Australia’s worst natural disasters, Cyclone Tracy in 1973.”

Til søs
6 november '25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 01:00

En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.

Ashmore Reef
7 november '25
Ankomst kl 07:30
Afgang kl 09:00

The Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands is an uninhabited external territory of Australia consisting of four low-lying tropical islands in two separate reefs, and the 12-nautical-mile territorial sea generated by the islands

8 november '25
Ankomst kl 10:00
Afgang kl 01:00

Gateway to the oldest and most elusive of all Australia’s nine regions, Broome is where your Kimberley adventure begins. The ancient landscape has long held travellers spellbound: The Kimberley is three time larger than England but has a population of just 35,000, is over 65,000 years old and is home to 2,000 km of coastline. Almost impenetrable, incredibly remote, the red baked earth, prolific wildlife, majestic canyons and swimming holes are the stuff of Australian wilderness dreams.

English explorer William Dampier was the first explorer to set foot in Broome in 1668. However, the land had long been used as a trading route between east and west Kimberley for Aboriginal families. These semi-nomadic tribes respected strict unwritten rules regarding ownership of the land. The Yawuru people remain the Native Title holders for the township of Broome to this day. Broome itself has over 84 Aboriginal communities affiliated to it, 78 of which are considered remote. The city grew from its nascent pearling industry of the late 19th century. Pearl diving was dangerous in the waters surrounding Broome and for many years divers were limited to Aboriginal slaves, skin divers who faced cyclones, sharks, crocodiles, ear and chest infections in order to bring up as many pearl shells as possible for their masters. Natural pearls were rare and extremely valuable, and when found, were placed in a locked box. At the peak of its industry, around 1914, Broome was responsible for 80% of the world’s pearl trade.

9 november '25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 19:00

Gateway to the oldest and most elusive of all Australia’s nine regions, Broome is where your Kimberley adventure begins. The ancient landscape has long held travellers spellbound: The Kimberley is three time larger than England but has a population of just 35,000, is over 65,000 years old and is home to 2,000 km of coastline. Almost impenetrable, incredibly remote, the red baked earth, prolific wildlife, majestic canyons and swimming holes are the stuff of Australian wilderness dreams.

English explorer William Dampier was the first explorer to set foot in Broome in 1668. However, the land had long been used as a trading route between east and west Kimberley for Aboriginal families. These semi-nomadic tribes respected strict unwritten rules regarding ownership of the land. The Yawuru people remain the Native Title holders for the township of Broome to this day. Broome itself has over 84 Aboriginal communities affiliated to it, 78 of which are considered remote. The city grew from its nascent pearling industry of the late 19th century. Pearl diving was dangerous in the waters surrounding Broome and for many years divers were limited to Aboriginal slaves, skin divers who faced cyclones, sharks, crocodiles, ear and chest infections in order to bring up as many pearl shells as possible for their masters. Natural pearls were rare and extremely valuable, and when found, were placed in a locked box. At the peak of its industry, around 1914, Broome was responsible for 80% of the world’s pearl trade.

Til søs
10 november '25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 01:00

En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.

11 november '25
Ankomst kl 09:00
Afgang kl 20:00

The key location of Exmouth along the Western Australian coast has meant that this area lays claim to many interesting historical landmarks, industries and research stations, including the old Navy Pier and the Learmonth Solar Observatory, which is jointly operated by the IPS Radio and Space Services and by the US Air Force. In fact, Exmouth was built in 1967 to serve the American Naval Communication Station but has since become a tourist base for visits to the Cape Range National Park and Ningaloo Marine Park.

The cloud-free atmosphere especially suited for VLF (very low frequency) transmissions and the prolific marine wildlife has helped to attract tourism. But the infrastructure still remains rather limited.

Til søs
12 november '25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 01:00

En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.

Til søs
13 november '25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 01:00

En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.

14 november '25
Ankomst kl 09:00
Afgang kl 01:00

Coming in at number seven on Lonely Planet’s list of best places to live, Fremantle has finally begun to shake off the shadow of neighbouring big brother Perth. With just 20 kilometres separating the two cities, Perth, with its happy hippie vibe has long been the big pull for visitors to the region. But Fremantle’s colourful past and bright future gives Perth as good as it gets. The coastal city has undergone a complete revamp since the America’s Cup thrust Fremantle into the spotlight in 1987.

Over AUS$ 1,3 billion has been poured into revamping the city, and the fruits of the city’s labour are ripe for picking. Investment in the arts has brought Fremantle to the fore of thriving urban culture, while generous grants for small businesses has led to groovy live-music rooms, hipster bars, boutique hotels, left-field bookshops, craft-beer breweries, Indian Ocean seafood shacks amid the buskers and beaches. If that doesn’t not sound like your glass of beer, we guarantee a stroll along the wooden riverside walkway will change your mind. The city also enjoys another, rather different status. Fremantle was one of Australia’s penal cities, vestiges of which can still be found in Fremantle Prison. Almost 10,000 convicts were condemned to life imprisonment here between 1850 and 1868, but the prison remained in use until 1991. Today, the memorable sandstone building is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and at just 15 minutes from port is well worth a visit. Just don’t forget your get out of jail free card.

15 november '25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 23:00

Coming in at number seven on Lonely Planet’s list of best places to live, Fremantle has finally begun to shake off the shadow of neighbouring big brother Perth. With just 20 kilometres separating the two cities, Perth, with its happy hippie vibe has long been the big pull for visitors to the region. But Fremantle’s colourful past and bright future gives Perth as good as it gets. The coastal city has undergone a complete revamp since the America’s Cup thrust Fremantle into the spotlight in 1987.

Over AUS$ 1,3 billion has been poured into revamping the city, and the fruits of the city’s labour are ripe for picking. Investment in the arts has brought Fremantle to the fore of thriving urban culture, while generous grants for small businesses has led to groovy live-music rooms, hipster bars, boutique hotels, left-field bookshops, craft-beer breweries, Indian Ocean seafood shacks amid the buskers and beaches. If that doesn’t not sound like your glass of beer, we guarantee a stroll along the wooden riverside walkway will change your mind. The city also enjoys another, rather different status. Fremantle was one of Australia’s penal cities, vestiges of which can still be found in Fremantle Prison. Almost 10,000 convicts were condemned to life imprisonment here between 1850 and 1868, but the prison remained in use until 1991. Today, the memorable sandstone building is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and at just 15 minutes from port is well worth a visit. Just don’t forget your get out of jail free card.

16 november '25
Ankomst kl 09:00
Afgang kl 19:00

Bordering the Indian Ocean, Geographe Bay’s Busselton has a Mediterranean style climate. The region features national parks, towering forests, caves, historic lighthouses and some of the best surfing beaches in the country. Other attractions include wineries and micro-breweries in the Margaret River wine region to the south. Busselton’s iconic jetty –at over 1.8 km the longest wooden jetty in the southern hemisphere- has an ‘Underwater Observatory’ that descends 8 meters to the ocean floor via a spiral staircase to see tropical and sub-tropical corals, sponges, fish and invertebrates.

Til søs
17 november '25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 01:00

En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.

18 november '25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 01:00

Esperance and the Recherche Archipelago sheltering Esperance Bay received their name in 1792, when a French expedition under d’Entrecasteaux looked for shelter from a storm. Ten years later Matthew Flinders took refuge at Lucky Bay, some 30 kilometers southeast of Esperance near Cape Le Grand, another feature named during the French visit. It was not until the 1860s that settlement began and by the 1890s Esperance was known as the “Gateway to the Goldfields” further inland. Today some 12,000 residents live in Esperance.

The town is southeast Western Australia’s only port and as such quite important for grain and mineral exports. Tourism is a major factor as Esperance and its surrounding area have such unusual attractions as a museum featuring debris from Skylab’s 1979 return to earth, a full-size replica of Stonehenge, the Pink Lake –which formerly used to be pink- an IBA for Hooded Plovers and Banded Stilts, several national parks and some of the whitest beaches in Australia. Lucky Bay is one of the iconic places, as kangaroos are regularly seen on the beach sunbathing.

Til søs
19 november '25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 01:00

En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.

Til søs
20 november '25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 01:00

En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.

Port Lincoln
21 november '25
Ankomst kl 09:00
Afgang kl 19:00

Known as the seafood capital of Australia, Port Lincoln is a foodie paradise. Home to Australia’s largest fishing fleet, numerous seafood restaurants and a prized local wine region, this is one destination where it pays to travel with your taste buds. The city’s traditional name in Barngala is ‘Kallinyalla’ (pronounced Galinyalla), literally translating as ‘sweet waters’. That should give you some indication of how seriously the ocean is taken in these parts – it provides employment, entertainment and experiences that are just unseen in other parts of the country. View less

Add in contrasting coastal landscape that ranges from quiet coves to surf happy beaches to rugged oceanic coastline, and you’ll soon see why Port Lincoln is fast becoming one of Australia’s favourite places. The city is located on the lower Eyre Peninsula, on the shore of Boston Bay. Discovered by Matthew Flinders in 1802, Port Lincoln was once under consideration to become the state’s capital. However, a lack of freshwater mired that idea, forcing settlers to look 280 kilometres east, to Adelaide. While European discovery is fairly recent, historians should note that the region had been inhabited by Aboriginal groups including the Nauo (south-western Eyre), Barngarla (eastern Eyre), Wirangu (north-western Eyre) and Mirning (far-western Eyre) for over 40,000 years. For those who want to look beyond the city boundaries, Port Lincoln is home to some extremely diverse and abundant nature, and a trip to the National Park is well worth it.

22 november '25
Ankomst kl 09:00
Afgang kl 01:00

For those of you that might think that Adelaide lacks behind its coastal counterparts in terms of culture and creativity, think again. Adelaide is a thriving urban city with bright, leafy alleys that beg to be explored. The city’s labyrinthine lanes and alleys are bursting with bars and eateries, serving everything from local craft beer to a modern Australian cuisine. Uber aware of their carbon footprint, Adeladians like to keep things close to home, so expect lots of local produce which is abundant, fresh and delicious.

Unsurprisingly, Barossa wine from the neighbouring valley features prominently on wine lists everywhere. Naturally, a lot of life centres around the lovely beaches, which are home to surfers, sheltered waters and wide boulevards. The coast is blessed with acres of parkland, perfect for lazing the afternoon away. Many of Australia’s most beautiful (and historic) buildings can be found within the boundaries of the city including the handsomely-restored former Railway Building, numerous stately Colonial buildings, St. Peter’s Cathedral, the grand old Parliament Buildings and nearby Government House, which all make a worthy addition to any visit. Adelaide is of course known for its wide diversity of faiths, and as such carries its nickname “the city of churches” with pride. Contrary to other Australian penal settlements, Adelaide was a free settlement. This meant that it was also a state free from religious persecution, leading rise to the construction of many churches.

23 november '25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 23:00

For those of you that might think that Adelaide lacks behind its coastal counterparts in terms of culture and creativity, think again. Adelaide is a thriving urban city with bright, leafy alleys that beg to be explored. The city’s labyrinthine lanes and alleys are bursting with bars and eateries, serving everything from local craft beer to a modern Australian cuisine. Uber aware of their carbon footprint, Adeladians like to keep things close to home, so expect lots of local produce which is abundant, fresh and delicious.

Unsurprisingly, Barossa wine from the neighbouring valley features prominently on wine lists everywhere. Naturally, a lot of life centres around the lovely beaches, which are home to surfers, sheltered waters and wide boulevards. The coast is blessed with acres of parkland, perfect for lazing the afternoon away. Many of Australia’s most beautiful (and historic) buildings can be found within the boundaries of the city including the handsomely-restored former Railway Building, numerous stately Colonial buildings, St. Peter’s Cathedral, the grand old Parliament Buildings and nearby Government House, which all make a worthy addition to any visit. Adelaide is of course known for its wide diversity of faiths, and as such carries its nickname “the city of churches” with pride. Contrary to other Australian penal settlements, Adelaide was a free settlement. This meant that it was also a state free from religious persecution, leading rise to the construction of many churches.

Kangaroo Island
24 november '25
Ankomst kl 09:00
Afgang kl 19:00
25 november '25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 01:00
Til søs
26 november '25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 01:00

En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.

Hobart (Tasmania)
27 november '25
Ankomst kl 14:00
Afgang kl 01:00

Mount Wellington’s looming, cloud-wisped form is an ever-present sight as you explore booming Hobart, the cosmopolitan capital of Australia’s most southerly state. A former British penal colony, nowadays Australia’s second-oldest city is a place to live the free and easy life. Encircled by dramatic cliffs, landscaped gardens and rolling vineyards, Hobart is also well stacked with cultural pursuits including museums, and respected – if controversial – galleries plastering new and old art to their walls. View less

With fresh sea breezes and a fabulous location, Hobart is a creative place, where you can browse the produce of local artisans in Saturday’s massive Salamanca Market – which draws visitors from all across Tasmania and beyond. Eat at waterfront restaurants, or rise up Mount Wellington’s slopes to appreciate the remoteness of Hobart’s location. From this elevated platform, you can look down across views of flowing forests, undulating mountains and endless ocean swallowing up the city. Further away, animal sanctuaries introduce you to the island’s famous inhabitants, including the famous Tasmanian devil. Thirsty? Hobart has a long brewing tradition – so enjoy a refreshing ale poured from the country’s oldest brewery. The climate’s blend of generous sunshine and cool Antarctic breezes helps Hobart to produce its acclaimed wines, and thick clumps of pinot noir grapes hang from vineyards dotted along the valleys nearby. Taste the wines, accompanied by a platter of artisan cheese and sausage. Whiskey aficionados aren’t left in the cold either, with international award-winning distilleries close by.

Hobart (Tasmania)
28 november '25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 19:00

Mount Wellington’s looming, cloud-wisped form is an ever-present sight as you explore booming Hobart, the cosmopolitan capital of Australia’s most southerly state. A former British penal colony, nowadays Australia’s second-oldest city is a place to live the free and easy life. Encircled by dramatic cliffs, landscaped gardens and rolling vineyards, Hobart is also well stacked with cultural pursuits including museums, and respected – if controversial – galleries plastering new and old art to their walls. View less

With fresh sea breezes and a fabulous location, Hobart is a creative place, where you can browse the produce of local artisans in Saturday’s massive Salamanca Market – which draws visitors from all across Tasmania and beyond. Eat at waterfront restaurants, or rise up Mount Wellington’s slopes to appreciate the remoteness of Hobart’s location. From this elevated platform, you can look down across views of flowing forests, undulating mountains and endless ocean swallowing up the city. Further away, animal sanctuaries introduce you to the island’s famous inhabitants, including the famous Tasmanian devil. Thirsty? Hobart has a long brewing tradition – so enjoy a refreshing ale poured from the country’s oldest brewery. The climate’s blend of generous sunshine and cool Antarctic breezes helps Hobart to produce its acclaimed wines, and thick clumps of pinot noir grapes hang from vineyards dotted along the valleys nearby. Taste the wines, accompanied by a platter of artisan cheese and sausage. Whiskey aficionados aren’t left in the cold either, with international award-winning distilleries close by.

Til søs
29 november '25
Ankomst kl 01:00
Afgang kl 01:00

En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.

30 november '25
Ankomst kl 08:00
Afgang kl 01:00

Melbourne is about the same size as Sydney, but there the similarity ends. Where Sydney is a jumble of hills and inlets, Melbourne spreads over a flat plain. Its pace, steadfast and sedate, contrasts with Sydney’s upbeat and brassy lifestyle.
Tree-shaded parks and gardens, a quiet bay and a proud stateliness become this capital of culture and the arts. Grand municipal buildings and splendid Victorian edifices, which sprang up in the wake of the gold rush, stand proudly along broad avenues.


Udfyld dine ønsker til dit krydstogt. Sender du en forespørgsel, vender vi hurtigt tilbage til dig for at give dig et tilbud. Hvad du indtaster og vælger her, er helt uforpligtende indtil vi har talt sammen. Booker du i stedet dit krydstogt online her på siden, kan du på den kommende side vælge den helt specifikke kahyt, som du gerne vil have. Klik på "book dette krydstogt" længere nede. I standardkahytter kan der som udgangspunkt være to voksne. Ved særlige ønsker, skriv i kommentarfeltet længere nede eller ring direkte på 70 200 100..


Otium Suite på 123 m2 (inkl. balkon) er en eksklusiv og luksuriøs kahyt, der er designet til at opfylde et hvert behov på et krydstogt – og den største suite på Silver Nova. Den har store panoramavinduer ud til en 40m2 stor balkon (med eget boblebad), en separat stue med sofagruppe og spiseplads, et soveværelse med kingsize-seng eller to enkeltsenge og en walk-in garderobe. Desuden et badeværelse med separat bruseniche og badekar. Suiten har en minibar (alle drikkevarerne er inkluderet i prisen), kaffemaskine, hovedpude-menu samt hårtørrer. Alle kahytter & suiter på Silversea har butlerservice.


Silversea Cruises blev grundlagt i 1994 og har i dag 11 luksuriøse skibe. De oprindelige to; Silver Cloud og Silver Wind, medtager kun 296 passagerer, og Silver Shadow og Silver Whisper med 388 gæster, Silver Spirit med 540 gæster og flagskibet Silver Muse med plads til 596 gæster.
Hertil kommer de tre mindre ekspeditionsskibe Silver Discoverer (124 gæster), Silver Explorer (132 gæster) og Silver Origin (100 gæster).

Silver Expeditions

Opleve nogen af fjerneste og mest ufremkommelige destinationer i verden. Silversea Expeditions tilbyder en række fantastiske afgange. Vælg mellem Grønland, Russisk Alaska, Antarktis til Kimberley i nordvest Australien, ”South Pacific” og Galápagos Øerne.
Fra vinteren 2017 vil Silver Cloud blive renoveret og indgå i ekspeditions flåden og vil bl.a. blive det optimale ekspeditionsskib der sejler til Antarktis. På disse afgange medtages kun 198 gæster. Flere steder på Antarktis tillader kun 99 gæster i land af gangen, hvorfor det er vigtigt at der ikke er flere end to hold (formiddag og eftermiddag). På ekspeditions krydstogterne er det den uspolerede naturen og dyrelivet, der er i fokus. Et omfattende udflugtsprogram er inkluderet i prisen, ligesom daglige forelæsninger om området der sejles i, og hvad der venter den næste dag.


Alle Silversea Cruises skibe opereres med ”all inclusive” konceptet, hvilket omfatter alle måltider, champagne, vin, drinks og andre drikkevarer, 24 timers roomservice samt drikkepenge. Der er taget højde for, at alle har forskellige ønsker og forventninger. Derfor bestemmer man selv, hvornår man ønsker at spise og i hvilken af skibets hyggelige restauranter. Morgenmaden kan endda nydes i sin private suite. På denne måde kan man gøre tingene i sit eget tempo og kun koncentrere sig om, at suge alle indtryk til sig fra de storslåede omgivelser og særprægede destinationer.
Et af verdens bedste rederier

Der er en afslappet atmosfære og elegant stemning når man er på krydstogt med Silversea Cruises, der gennem årene har vundet flere priser. Alle skibene tilbyder et højt personligt serviceniveau og masser af plads ombord til alle. Gastronomien er i topklasse og der er et stort udvalg af indeholdte vine, champagne og drinks.
Silversea Cruises tilbyder hele verden

Silversea Cruises har krydstogter i hele verden og tilbyder også et årligt ”jorden rundt” krydstogt. Vælg mellem Nordeuropa (inklusive Norge og Baltikum), Middelhavet, Australien, New Zealand, Caribien, Panamakanalen, Sydamerika, Mexico, Hawaii, Canada, Alaska, New England og World Cruise.
Silversea Cruises ekspeditionsskibe sejler til Arktis, Antarktis, Stillehavet, Australien, Russisk Alaska og Galapagos øerne.

Dresscoden om bord er afslappet, men dog fastholdes et afstemt niveau hver aften, hvor påklædningen opdeles i Casual (ingen jakke), Informel (jakke men evt. uden slips) og Formel (smoking eller mørkt jakkesæt). Jeans er fortsat ikke tilladt i
restauranterne til middag, men man kan også vælge fra menukortet og få det hele serveret i sin egen suite.

Silversea er et af de luksuskrydstogtsrederier, der tilbyder mest plads pr. gæst i deres suiter. Alle suiter er udvendige med havudsigt og de fleste med balkon. Bortset fra ekspeditions skibene er der walk-in closet og store rummelige marmorbadeværelser.
I alle suiter indgår nedennævnte:
• Butler service • Dundyner • Badekåber og hjemmesko • Fladskærms-TV • Film, musik og nyhedsprogrammer fra biblioteket • trådløs internet adgang (mod tillæg) • Daglig suite service • Skrivebord med personligt brevpapir • ”Bvlgari” eller allergivenlige toiletartikler • Ni pudetyper at vælge imellem • Dobbeltseng eller to senge
Spisning ombord

Uanset, hvor du spiser ombord på skibene fra Silversea, er maden og den tilhørende rød- eller hvidvin nøje udvalgt for, at give den bedste kulinariske oplevelse. Du bestemmer selv, hvornår du vil spise, idet der er open seating i alle restauranterne. Dog skal man reservere bord i de alternative restauranter
The Restaurant

• Morgenmad, frokost og middag
Her er der dagligt skiftende menu med diverse specialiteter. Man kan vælge fra menuen i hoved restauranten og få serveret i sin egen suite.
La Terrazza

• Morgenmad og frokost (buffet)
• Middag á la carte (reservation nødvendig)
Italiensk restaurant med fokus på traditioner. Her kan man vælge at spise ude eller inde (med forbehold for plads).
Der er reserveret at lille antal borde udenfor til rygere.

Pool Grill og Hot Rock

• Morgenmad
• Frokost (lette retter med salat, burgere samt frisk bagt pizza)
• Middag (Hot rock, brandvarme lavasten ved bordet – reservation nødvendig)
Pool-området danner rammer om denne hyggelige og uformelle restaurant.

Du kan også bestille roomservice døgnet rundt. I restauranternes åbningstider kan du endda bestille fra hovedrestaurantens menukort og få retterne serveret én efter én i suiten.

(ikke på Ekspeditions-skibene):

Le Champagne
• Middag (reservation nødvendig) der opkræves ekstra betaling for spisning i denne restaurant.
Serverer en skiftende menu, der tilpasser sig verdensdelen og dens råvarer, som skibene passerer på krydstogtet.

(orientalsk restaurant)
Kun på Silver Spirit og Silver Muse

• Middag (reservation nødvendig) der opkræves ekstra betaling for spisning i denne restaurant.
Restauranten har specialiseret sig i fusion af de asiatiske køkkener, med det bedste fra Japan, Kina, Thailand, Vietnam og Indien. På dage til søs åbner Seishin til frokost og serverer frisklavet sushi og sashimi uden ekstra tillæg.

Inkluderet i prisen
(ændringer kan forekomme på Ekspeditions-skibene)

• Drikkepenge
• Champagne
• Udvalgte vine, drinks, øl og vand
• Alle gæster har personlig butlerservice
• Minibaren bliver dagligt opfyldt efter ønske med vand og alkohol
• 24 timers roomservice, med omfattende menukort
• Kasino
• Live musik
• Shows i teatret
• Fri adgang til barer og lounges
• Open seating i hovedrestauranterne
• Fri adgang til La Terrazza og The Grill, reservation nødvendig
• Udvendige og rummelige suiter,
• De fleste suiter har privat balkon.
• Forelæsninger
• Madlavningsdemonstrationer
• Selvbetjeningsvaskeri
• Aktiviteter ombord



Silversea præsenterer i sommeren 2023 deres 11. skib i flåden og en helt ny luksus oplevelse til havs med Silver Nova. Skibets innovative asymmetriske og horisontale design skaber en eksklusiv oplevelse og en helt særligt kontakt til havet og destinationerne med masser af luft og plads indendørs og udendørs til gæsterne.

Silversea tilbyder 13 forskellige typer af luksuriøse suiter. Alle suiterne er smagfuldt og elegant indrettet med moderne underholdningsudstyr og butlerservice. Suiterne kan bookes med skønne verandaer i teaktræ og glas med panoramiske udsigter til hav og himmel, store gulv-til- loft vinduer samt badeværelser i marmor og balkon med jacuzzi.

De offentlige arealer på Silversea er moderne indrettet med store glaspartier, og selv elevatorer til bagbord og styrbord har glasvægge og udsigt til havet. Glæd dig til fortræffelige gastronomiske måltider på de otte restauranter, samt skønne drinks og cocktails på de mange barer.

Silver Nova er konstrueret med banebrydende miljøvenlige teknologier. Hun drives af en trio af hybride bæredygtige kræfter og med flydende naturgas, Liquified Natural Gas (LNG), verdens reneste fossile brændstof, til at producere al energi ombord, både i havnene og til søs. Denne innovative løsning reducerer udstødningsemissionerne betydeligt og vil derfor være mere bæredygtig og skånsom mod miljøet.

På Silver Nova vil du blive en del af det første vigtige skridt imod en æra af bæredygtige krydstogter, som beskytter både klimaet og havets skrøbelige fauna og flora.

Tekniske specifikationer:
Bygget: 2023. Antal gæster: 728 gæster. Mandskabskapacitet: 556. Bruttonage: 54. 700 ton. Længde: 244 meter. Bredde: 28 meter fod. Fart: 35 km/t.


Få et tilbud

70 200 100

Man - Fre: 9:00 - 17:00

