Med søsætningen af Silver Shadow i 2000 introducerede Silversea Cruises sine gæster for næste generation af Silversea flåden. Lidt større, men med den samme intime stemning. Udover den ekstra plads bliver gæsterne ombord Silver Shadow mødt med Silverseas velkendte 6-stjernede service med sans for detaljer.
Hver suite er på minimum 27 m2 med stort marmorbadeværelse, walk-in closet og seperat sofahjørne. 80% af skibets suiter har privat balkon – det perfekte sted at nyde morgenmaden eller tage en cocktail inden middagen.
De offentlige rum ombord er store og rummelige, men samtidig med en intim og hjemlig atmosfære, hvor man altid føler sig godt modtaget.
Silver Shadow kan medtage 382 gæster og har en besætning på 295 fordelt på utalige nationaliteter.
Plads pr. gæst: 70,6
Besætning pr. gæst: 0,76
Kendetegn: Store flotte suiter, masser af plads ombord, spændende destinationer, imponerende morgenmads- og frokost buffet.
All-inclusive: Ja
The fire, frost and water symbolized by the red, white and blue of Iceland’s flag are manifested by the ice and snow of its glaciers, the hot mud pools, geysers and glowing lava flows in the country’s volcanic regions.
The island’s settlement dates back to 874 when a Norwegian named Ingolf Arnarson arrived at present-day Reykjavik. In 930, the settlers formed a legislature, the Alting, which was the beginning of the Commonwealth of Iceland. From the 10th to the 14th centuries, Iceland developed a literary form, the Icelandic Saga, which spread throughout the Nordic culture and into the English and German languages. It was used to spin stories of the gods, record historic events and glorify heroes.
As Iceland’s capital and main center of the country’s population, the city of Reykjavik is a fascinating blend of the traditional and modernism. Just as Iceland is a unique country – rugged and remote, yet technically advanced and enjoying Nordic standards of affluence – Reykjavik is a highly unusual capital city. It dominates the life of Iceland in almost every way. More than half of the country’s total population of 270,000 is living in and around the capital, and the economy of the entire nation depends on Reykjavik. Nearly 60 percent of Iceland’s imports are received and distributed, and 40 percent of the country’s exports are loaded for shipment via the port of Reykjavik. It is also the headquarters of what is probably the world’s most advanced seafood industry, which counts for Iceland’s number one export.
En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.
En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.
En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.
St. Anthony is a town on the northern reaches of the Great Northern Peninsula of the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. St. Anthony serves as a main service centre for northern Newfoundland and southern Labrador. St. Anthony had a population
En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.
“The otherworldly, limestone structures of the Mingan Archipelago await at Havre St. Pierre, Quebec’s most northerly call. Perched on the northern shore of the mighty St Lawrence River’s gaping jaws – and looking out across the vast stretch of water to the distant Anticosti Island – where white-tailed deer stalk dense forests – Havre St. Pierre is a feast of staggering scenery and diverse wildlife. View less The Mingan Archipelago’s monolith treasures have been carefully, painstakingly sculpted by Mother Nature’s hand – using ocean, wind and ice erosion to create towering rock outcrops, which stand improbably counterweighted and precariously balanced over the waters. Sail between the scattered array of islands and formations, and keep your eyes peeled – you may be joined by pods of friendly minke whales as you weave between skerries and rocky isles. Look out for eagles soaring overhead too, and the colourful puffins which nest on the sheer cliffs. Back at Havre St. Pierre, stroll isolated river beaches, and wander the wooden boardwalk to soak in panoramas of the world’s largest estuary – which lures the world’s mightiest animal, the blue whale, to feast in its krill-rich depths. A walk out to the quaint lighthouse which crowns the shore is a pleasant way to spend an afternoon, or you can take some time to learn a little more about the culture and traditions of the region’s Inuit people.”
En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.
For centuries, a native Iroquois village occupied the cliff-top site of what is now Quebec City. The first permanent European settlement began in 1608 when Samuel de Champlain established a fur trading post. By 1663, New France had become a royal province, administered by a council appointed directly by the crown and answerable to the king’s council in France. Long-brewing European struggles between England and France spilled over into the colonies, prompting the construction of Quebec’s formidable fortifications. The Seven Years War put an end to French reign and left the city in English hands. The English successfully warded off an American attack in 1775, and for the next century Quebec quietly earned its livelihood as a center for shipbuilding and timber trade.
By 1840, when it was declared the provincial capital of Lower Canada, the accessible supplies of timber had run out. The final blow came with the appearance of steamships that could travel as far as Montreal, while sailing ships found it difficult to proceed beyond Quebec City. Losing its importance as a major port, the city experienced a decline but remained a center of small industry and local government. Later years saw a tremendous rise as tourism made use of Quebec’s fantastic location and appearance. Being Canada’s most historic city and the only walled city in North America earned it the classification of World Heritage Treasure by UNESCO in 1985. Today, the visitor is greeted by an authentic, profoundly French city, where 95% of its half million people are French-speaking. Both parts of the city – Haute-Ville and Basse-Ville (Upper and Lower Town) – feature winding, cobbled streets flanked by 17th- and 18th-century stone houses and churches, graceful parks and squares and countless monuments. Croissants and steaming cups of coffee at sidewalk cafés conjure images and aromas of Paris.
Great emphasis has been placed on Quebec nationalism; as a result the city has become a symbol of the glory of French heritage. The motto “Je me souviens” (I remember) is inscribed above the entrance to the Parliament Building and on the license plates of Quebec cars. As you come ashore, endless pleasures await you in this marvelous city.
For centuries, a native Iroquois village occupied the cliff-top site of what is now Quebec City. The first permanent European settlement began in 1608 when Samuel de Champlain established a fur trading post. By 1663, New France had become a royal province, administered by a council appointed directly by the crown and answerable to the king’s council in France. Long-brewing European struggles between England and France spilled over into the colonies, prompting the construction of Quebec’s formidable fortifications. The Seven Years War put an end to French reign and left the city in English hands. The English successfully warded off an American attack in 1775, and for the next century Quebec quietly earned its livelihood as a center for shipbuilding and timber trade.
By 1840, when it was declared the provincial capital of Lower Canada, the accessible supplies of timber had run out. The final blow came with the appearance of steamships that could travel as far as Montreal, while sailing ships found it difficult to proceed beyond Quebec City. Losing its importance as a major port, the city experienced a decline but remained a center of small industry and local government. Later years saw a tremendous rise as tourism made use of Quebec’s fantastic location and appearance. Being Canada’s most historic city and the only walled city in North America earned it the classification of World Heritage Treasure by UNESCO in 1985. Today, the visitor is greeted by an authentic, profoundly French city, where 95% of its half million people are French-speaking. Both parts of the city – Haute-Ville and Basse-Ville (Upper and Lower Town) – feature winding, cobbled streets flanked by 17th- and 18th-century stone houses and churches, graceful parks and squares and countless monuments. Croissants and steaming cups of coffee at sidewalk cafés conjure images and aromas of Paris.
Great emphasis has been placed on Quebec nationalism; as a result the city has become a symbol of the glory of French heritage. The motto “Je me souviens” (I remember) is inscribed above the entrance to the Parliament Building and on the license plates of Quebec cars. As you come ashore, endless pleasures await you in this marvelous city.
En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.
En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.
Rising in the heart of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, the archipelago of Iles-de-la-Madeleine offers diverse wildlife and sweeping coastal scenery. The somewhat precarious location of these 12 islands, in the middle of the world’s most immense estuary, means they have historically been something of a ship graveyard. The craggy red rocks that emerge suddenly from the waves here have gashed the hulls of countless ships in times gone by. View less
A gang of six pretty lighthouses share the task of warning of the islands’ treacherous waters, while simultaneously providing a scenic twinkle amid the copper-coloured cliffs and coastal archways. Acadian French accents ring out on the shores and, despite their location, the Iles-de-la-Madeleine form part of Quebec’s province. Historically cut off by thick ice, they have developed a distinct culture and character of their own. The 55 mile-long stretch of Route 199 provides the backbone of the island, tying the seven inhabited landforms together, along with a chain of undulating sand dunes. Each of the islands has its own character and profile to explore – offering everything from windswept beaches to sheltered lagoons and rolling emerald hills. Whales cruise through the deep waters offshore, and you can sail up close and personal to the marine mammals, as well as the seals who are occasionally spotted lounging around on floating chunks of ice. Port du Millerand’s flotilla of fishing boats reap the rewards of the location, bringing home vast hauls so local restaurants can serve up the freshest lobster, mussels and crab. With bird watching, coastal golf courses, water-sports and diving opportunities among the many recreations on offer here – this clutch of estuary islands has something for everyone.
Surrounded by raw ocean and gorgeous coastal scenery, Cape Breton island’s only city is a remote and awe-inspiring place. Formed around a former steel plant, Sydney now thrives on welcoming visitors, ushering them into the very heart of beautiful Nova Scotia. Delve deep into the heart of this scenic island, to see extraordinary natural sights and learn of the customs of the native Mi’kmaq people in Membertou Heritage Park. Wander the tidy new boardwalk, and hike among wild and rugged coastline, capped by flashing lighthouses. View less
A place of thrilling, undulating coastal drives, pretty historic colonial houses dating back to the 1780s, and craggy coastal walks, Sydney is effortlessly easy on the eye. The waterfront is the best place to take a stroll, accompanied by the rustle of washing waves and the gentle melodies of musicians. There’s always a song in the air here, and you can even visit the unique monument to the region’s tuneful talents at the world’s biggest fiddle. The adjacent market will be music to any shopper’s ears. Open-air exhibitions like the Nova Scotia Highland Village Museum, bring together the local culture, while elsewhere you can learn of the coal mining that transformed Sydney into a thriving steel capital. Alexander Graham Bell spent time on these shores in nearby Baddeck – and you can find out more about his life and innovations – which were far more comprehensive than just the telephone – in the dedicated museum. Although Sydney was founded by the British in 1785, there were plenty of tussles with the French over the years that followed. Get an insight into the region’s military past, brought to life at the Fortress of Louisbourg – a massive, reconstructed French fortified city, where soldiers clank along the streets and artisans stir thick bowls of melted chocolate.
En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.
Colourful, white-trimmed buildings splash a haze of bright-beauty across the spectacular Newfoundland coastline of St John’s. Picturesque, steep streets roll down to the seafront, and the charming architecture contrasts beautifully against the wild and rugged shoreline, with redolent pine forests spreading out behind. The province’s capital, St John’s, is a lively outpost – and one of North America’s oldest and most historically engaging places.
Because Silversea’s ships are so small, this Cape Cod Canal Transit is a rare must for any travel savvy guest. With two fixed bridges over the canal, clearance is a problem for bigger ships but Silversea’s small size ships allow them to glide through as if they were a passenger yacht. The surrounding scenic spectacle is something truly to behold. With the crowds gone and the weather turning cooler and the leaves turning colour, the compelling charm of the canal is legendary. Watch for migrating birds, such as the rare Roseate tern or the more common tree and barn swallow, and be on the lookout for year round residents such as the Great Blue Heron and the Red-tailed hawk. As the cape is surrounded by a hybrid of temperate sub-tropical waters and polar ice floes, marine mammal spotters will rejoice as they vie to spot some of the huge variety of wildlife that lives in the canal – from the humble river otter to the majestic — and endangered —North American Right Whale.
The city comprises the central island of Manhattan along with four other boroughs: Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island. To many, Manhattan is New York. The 22-square-mile island is divided into the three districts of Downtown, Midtown and Upper Manhattan. There are countless museums, theaters, restaurants and parks. Many residents never get to see it all in a lifetime, so don’t expect to take it all in during one visit.
The fire, frost and water symbolized by the red, white and blue of Iceland’s flag are manifested by the ice and snow of its glaciers, the hot mud pools, geysers and glowing lava flows in the country’s volcanic regions.
The island’s settlement dates back to 874 when a Norwegian named Ingolf Arnarson arrived at present-day Reykjavik. In 930, the settlers formed a legislature, the Alting, which was the beginning of the Commonwealth of Iceland. From the 10th to the 14th centuries, Iceland developed a literary form, the Icelandic Saga, which spread throughout the Nordic culture and into the English and German languages. It was used to spin stories of the gods, record historic events and glorify heroes.
As Iceland’s capital and main center of the country’s population, the city of Reykjavik is a fascinating blend of the traditional and modernism. Just as Iceland is a unique country – rugged and remote, yet technically advanced and enjoying Nordic standards of affluence – Reykjavik is a highly unusual capital city. It dominates the life of Iceland in almost every way. More than half of the country’s total population of 270,000 is living in and around the capital, and the economy of the entire nation depends on Reykjavik. Nearly 60 percent of Iceland’s imports are received and distributed, and 40 percent of the country’s exports are loaded for shipment via the port of Reykjavik. It is also the headquarters of what is probably the world’s most advanced seafood industry, which counts for Iceland’s number one export.
En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.
En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.
En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.
St. Anthony is a town on the northern reaches of the Great Northern Peninsula of the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. St. Anthony serves as a main service centre for northern Newfoundland and southern Labrador. St. Anthony had a population
En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.
“The otherworldly, limestone structures of the Mingan Archipelago await at Havre St. Pierre, Quebec’s most northerly call. Perched on the northern shore of the mighty St Lawrence River’s gaping jaws – and looking out across the vast stretch of water to the distant Anticosti Island – where white-tailed deer stalk dense forests – Havre St. Pierre is a feast of staggering scenery and diverse wildlife. View less The Mingan Archipelago’s monolith treasures have been carefully, painstakingly sculpted by Mother Nature’s hand – using ocean, wind and ice erosion to create towering rock outcrops, which stand improbably counterweighted and precariously balanced over the waters. Sail between the scattered array of islands and formations, and keep your eyes peeled – you may be joined by pods of friendly minke whales as you weave between skerries and rocky isles. Look out for eagles soaring overhead too, and the colourful puffins which nest on the sheer cliffs. Back at Havre St. Pierre, stroll isolated river beaches, and wander the wooden boardwalk to soak in panoramas of the world’s largest estuary – which lures the world’s mightiest animal, the blue whale, to feast in its krill-rich depths. A walk out to the quaint lighthouse which crowns the shore is a pleasant way to spend an afternoon, or you can take some time to learn a little more about the culture and traditions of the region’s Inuit people.”
En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.
For centuries, a native Iroquois village occupied the cliff-top site of what is now Quebec City. The first permanent European settlement began in 1608 when Samuel de Champlain established a fur trading post. By 1663, New France had become a royal province, administered by a council appointed directly by the crown and answerable to the king’s council in France. Long-brewing European struggles between England and France spilled over into the colonies, prompting the construction of Quebec’s formidable fortifications. The Seven Years War put an end to French reign and left the city in English hands. The English successfully warded off an American attack in 1775, and for the next century Quebec quietly earned its livelihood as a center for shipbuilding and timber trade.
By 1840, when it was declared the provincial capital of Lower Canada, the accessible supplies of timber had run out. The final blow came with the appearance of steamships that could travel as far as Montreal, while sailing ships found it difficult to proceed beyond Quebec City. Losing its importance as a major port, the city experienced a decline but remained a center of small industry and local government. Later years saw a tremendous rise as tourism made use of Quebec’s fantastic location and appearance. Being Canada’s most historic city and the only walled city in North America earned it the classification of World Heritage Treasure by UNESCO in 1985. Today, the visitor is greeted by an authentic, profoundly French city, where 95% of its half million people are French-speaking. Both parts of the city – Haute-Ville and Basse-Ville (Upper and Lower Town) – feature winding, cobbled streets flanked by 17th- and 18th-century stone houses and churches, graceful parks and squares and countless monuments. Croissants and steaming cups of coffee at sidewalk cafés conjure images and aromas of Paris.
Great emphasis has been placed on Quebec nationalism; as a result the city has become a symbol of the glory of French heritage. The motto “Je me souviens” (I remember) is inscribed above the entrance to the Parliament Building and on the license plates of Quebec cars. As you come ashore, endless pleasures await you in this marvelous city.
For centuries, a native Iroquois village occupied the cliff-top site of what is now Quebec City. The first permanent European settlement began in 1608 when Samuel de Champlain established a fur trading post. By 1663, New France had become a royal province, administered by a council appointed directly by the crown and answerable to the king’s council in France. Long-brewing European struggles between England and France spilled over into the colonies, prompting the construction of Quebec’s formidable fortifications. The Seven Years War put an end to French reign and left the city in English hands. The English successfully warded off an American attack in 1775, and for the next century Quebec quietly earned its livelihood as a center for shipbuilding and timber trade.
By 1840, when it was declared the provincial capital of Lower Canada, the accessible supplies of timber had run out. The final blow came with the appearance of steamships that could travel as far as Montreal, while sailing ships found it difficult to proceed beyond Quebec City. Losing its importance as a major port, the city experienced a decline but remained a center of small industry and local government. Later years saw a tremendous rise as tourism made use of Quebec’s fantastic location and appearance. Being Canada’s most historic city and the only walled city in North America earned it the classification of World Heritage Treasure by UNESCO in 1985. Today, the visitor is greeted by an authentic, profoundly French city, where 95% of its half million people are French-speaking. Both parts of the city – Haute-Ville and Basse-Ville (Upper and Lower Town) – feature winding, cobbled streets flanked by 17th- and 18th-century stone houses and churches, graceful parks and squares and countless monuments. Croissants and steaming cups of coffee at sidewalk cafés conjure images and aromas of Paris.
Great emphasis has been placed on Quebec nationalism; as a result the city has become a symbol of the glory of French heritage. The motto “Je me souviens” (I remember) is inscribed above the entrance to the Parliament Building and on the license plates of Quebec cars. As you come ashore, endless pleasures await you in this marvelous city.
En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.
En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.
Rising in the heart of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, the archipelago of Iles-de-la-Madeleine offers diverse wildlife and sweeping coastal scenery. The somewhat precarious location of these 12 islands, in the middle of the world’s most immense estuary, means they have historically been something of a ship graveyard. The craggy red rocks that emerge suddenly from the waves here have gashed the hulls of countless ships in times gone by. View less
A gang of six pretty lighthouses share the task of warning of the islands’ treacherous waters, while simultaneously providing a scenic twinkle amid the copper-coloured cliffs and coastal archways. Acadian French accents ring out on the shores and, despite their location, the Iles-de-la-Madeleine form part of Quebec’s province. Historically cut off by thick ice, they have developed a distinct culture and character of their own. The 55 mile-long stretch of Route 199 provides the backbone of the island, tying the seven inhabited landforms together, along with a chain of undulating sand dunes. Each of the islands has its own character and profile to explore – offering everything from windswept beaches to sheltered lagoons and rolling emerald hills. Whales cruise through the deep waters offshore, and you can sail up close and personal to the marine mammals, as well as the seals who are occasionally spotted lounging around on floating chunks of ice. Port du Millerand’s flotilla of fishing boats reap the rewards of the location, bringing home vast hauls so local restaurants can serve up the freshest lobster, mussels and crab. With bird watching, coastal golf courses, water-sports and diving opportunities among the many recreations on offer here – this clutch of estuary islands has something for everyone.
Surrounded by raw ocean and gorgeous coastal scenery, Cape Breton island’s only city is a remote and awe-inspiring place. Formed around a former steel plant, Sydney now thrives on welcoming visitors, ushering them into the very heart of beautiful Nova Scotia. Delve deep into the heart of this scenic island, to see extraordinary natural sights and learn of the customs of the native Mi’kmaq people in Membertou Heritage Park. Wander the tidy new boardwalk, and hike among wild and rugged coastline, capped by flashing lighthouses. View less
A place of thrilling, undulating coastal drives, pretty historic colonial houses dating back to the 1780s, and craggy coastal walks, Sydney is effortlessly easy on the eye. The waterfront is the best place to take a stroll, accompanied by the rustle of washing waves and the gentle melodies of musicians. There’s always a song in the air here, and you can even visit the unique monument to the region’s tuneful talents at the world’s biggest fiddle. The adjacent market will be music to any shopper’s ears. Open-air exhibitions like the Nova Scotia Highland Village Museum, bring together the local culture, while elsewhere you can learn of the coal mining that transformed Sydney into a thriving steel capital. Alexander Graham Bell spent time on these shores in nearby Baddeck – and you can find out more about his life and innovations – which were far more comprehensive than just the telephone – in the dedicated museum. Although Sydney was founded by the British in 1785, there were plenty of tussles with the French over the years that followed. Get an insight into the region’s military past, brought to life at the Fortress of Louisbourg – a massive, reconstructed French fortified city, where soldiers clank along the streets and artisans stir thick bowls of melted chocolate.
En dag på havet behøver ikke at være kedelig. Brug tiden til at opleve skibets mange faciliteter eller deltag i de mange aktiviteter som skibet tilbyder. Et hvert krydstogtskib har sin egen charme og fælles for alle er de mange aktivitetstilbud. Tiden til søs kan du med fordel bruge til at forberede dig på næste havns udflugter og seværdigheder. Alle skibe har et bibliotek, hvor du kan læse om alverdens destinationer, på visse skibe afholdes der også foredrag om spændende emner, oftest relateret til din rejse. Dagen ombord kan du også bruge til bare at slappe helt af og lade dig forkæle af skibets personale. Valget er helt op til dig.
Colourful, white-trimmed buildings splash a haze of bright-beauty across the spectacular Newfoundland coastline of St John’s. Picturesque, steep streets roll down to the seafront, and the charming architecture contrasts beautifully against the wild and rugged shoreline, with redolent pine forests spreading out behind. The province’s capital, St John’s, is a lively outpost – and one of North America’s oldest and most historically engaging places.
Because Silversea’s ships are so small, this Cape Cod Canal Transit is a rare must for any travel savvy guest. With two fixed bridges over the canal, clearance is a problem for bigger ships but Silversea’s small size ships allow them to glide through as if they were a passenger yacht. The surrounding scenic spectacle is something truly to behold. With the crowds gone and the weather turning cooler and the leaves turning colour, the compelling charm of the canal is legendary. Watch for migrating birds, such as the rare Roseate tern or the more common tree and barn swallow, and be on the lookout for year round residents such as the Great Blue Heron and the Red-tailed hawk. As the cape is surrounded by a hybrid of temperate sub-tropical waters and polar ice floes, marine mammal spotters will rejoice as they vie to spot some of the huge variety of wildlife that lives in the canal – from the humble river otter to the majestic — and endangered —North American Right Whale.
The city comprises the central island of Manhattan along with four other boroughs: Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island. To many, Manhattan is New York. The 22-square-mile island is divided into the three districts of Downtown, Midtown and Upper Manhattan. There are countless museums, theaters, restaurants and parks. Many residents never get to see it all in a lifetime, so don’t expect to take it all in during one visit.
Udfyld dine ønsker til dit krydstogt. Sender du en forespørgsel, vender vi hurtigt tilbage til dig for at give dig et tilbud. Hvad du indtaster og vælger her, er helt uforpligtende indtil vi har talt sammen. Booker du i stedet dit krydstogt online her på siden, kan du på den kommende side vælge den helt specifikke kahyt, som du gerne vil have. Klik på "book dette krydstogt" længere nede. I standardkahytter kan der som udgangspunkt være to voksne. Ved særlige ønsker, skriv i kommentarfeltet længere nede eller ring direkte på 70 200 100..
Silversea Cruises blev grundlagt i 1994 og har i dag 11 luksuriøse skibe. De oprindelige to; Silver Cloud og Silver Wind, medtager kun 296 passagerer, og Silver Shadow og Silver Whisper med 388 gæster, Silver Spirit med 540 gæster og flagskibet Silver Muse med plads til 596 gæster.
Hertil kommer de tre mindre ekspeditionsskibe Silver Discoverer (124 gæster), Silver Explorer (132 gæster) og Silver Origin (100 gæster).
Silver Expeditions
Opleve nogen af fjerneste og mest ufremkommelige destinationer i verden. Silversea Expeditions tilbyder en række fantastiske afgange. Vælg mellem Grønland, Russisk Alaska, Antarktis til Kimberley i nordvest Australien, ”South Pacific” og Galápagos Øerne.
Fra vinteren 2017 vil Silver Cloud blive renoveret og indgå i ekspeditions flåden og vil bl.a. blive det optimale ekspeditionsskib der sejler til Antarktis. På disse afgange medtages kun 198 gæster. Flere steder på Antarktis tillader kun 99 gæster i land af gangen, hvorfor det er vigtigt at der ikke er flere end to hold (formiddag og eftermiddag). På ekspeditions krydstogterne er det den uspolerede naturen og dyrelivet, der er i fokus. Et omfattende udflugtsprogram er inkluderet i prisen, ligesom daglige forelæsninger om området der sejles i, og hvad der venter den næste dag.
Alle Silversea Cruises skibe opereres med ”all inclusive” konceptet, hvilket omfatter alle måltider, champagne, vin, drinks og andre drikkevarer, 24 timers roomservice samt drikkepenge. Der er taget højde for, at alle har forskellige ønsker og forventninger. Derfor bestemmer man selv, hvornår man ønsker at spise og i hvilken af skibets hyggelige restauranter. Morgenmaden kan endda nydes i sin private suite. På denne måde kan man gøre tingene i sit eget tempo og kun koncentrere sig om, at suge alle indtryk til sig fra de storslåede omgivelser og særprægede destinationer.
Et af verdens bedste rederier
Der er en afslappet atmosfære og elegant stemning når man er på krydstogt med Silversea Cruises, der gennem årene har vundet flere priser. Alle skibene tilbyder et højt personligt serviceniveau og masser af plads ombord til alle. Gastronomien er i topklasse og der er et stort udvalg af indeholdte vine, champagne og drinks.
Silversea Cruises tilbyder hele verden
Silversea Cruises har krydstogter i hele verden og tilbyder også et årligt ”jorden rundt” krydstogt. Vælg mellem Nordeuropa (inklusive Norge og Baltikum), Middelhavet, Australien, New Zealand, Caribien, Panamakanalen, Sydamerika, Mexico, Hawaii, Canada, Alaska, New England og World Cruise.
Silversea Cruises ekspeditionsskibe sejler til Arktis, Antarktis, Stillehavet, Australien, Russisk Alaska og Galapagos øerne.
Dresscoden om bord er afslappet, men dog fastholdes et afstemt niveau hver aften, hvor påklædningen opdeles i Casual (ingen jakke), Informel (jakke men evt. uden slips) og Formel (smoking eller mørkt jakkesæt). Jeans er fortsat ikke tilladt i
restauranterne til middag, men man kan også vælge fra menukortet og få det hele serveret i sin egen suite.
Silversea er et af de luksuskrydstogtsrederier, der tilbyder mest plads pr. gæst i deres suiter. Alle suiter er udvendige med havudsigt og de fleste med balkon. Bortset fra ekspeditions skibene er der walk-in closet og store rummelige marmorbadeværelser.
I alle suiter indgår nedennævnte:
• Butler service • Dundyner • Badekåber og hjemmesko • Fladskærms-TV • Film, musik og nyhedsprogrammer fra biblioteket • trådløs internet adgang (mod tillæg) • Daglig suite service • Skrivebord med personligt brevpapir • ”Bvlgari” eller allergivenlige toiletartikler • Ni pudetyper at vælge imellem • Dobbeltseng eller to senge
Spisning ombord
Uanset, hvor du spiser ombord på skibene fra Silversea, er maden og den tilhørende rød- eller hvidvin nøje udvalgt for, at give den bedste kulinariske oplevelse. Du bestemmer selv, hvornår du vil spise, idet der er open seating i alle restauranterne. Dog skal man reservere bord i de alternative restauranter
The Restaurant
• Morgenmad, frokost og middag
Her er der dagligt skiftende menu med diverse specialiteter. Man kan vælge fra menuen i hoved restauranten og få serveret i sin egen suite.
La Terrazza
• Morgenmad og frokost (buffet)
• Middag á la carte (reservation nødvendig)
Italiensk restaurant med fokus på traditioner. Her kan man vælge at spise ude eller inde (med forbehold for plads).
Der er reserveret at lille antal borde udenfor til rygere.
Pool Grill og Hot Rock
• Morgenmad
• Frokost (lette retter med salat, burgere samt frisk bagt pizza)
• Middag (Hot rock, brandvarme lavasten ved bordet – reservation nødvendig)
Pool-området danner rammer om denne hyggelige og uformelle restaurant.
Du kan også bestille roomservice døgnet rundt. I restauranternes åbningstider kan du endda bestille fra hovedrestaurantens menukort og få retterne serveret én efter én i suiten.
(ikke på Ekspeditions-skibene):
Le Champagne
• Middag (reservation nødvendig) der opkræves ekstra betaling for spisning i denne restaurant.
Serverer en skiftende menu, der tilpasser sig verdensdelen og dens råvarer, som skibene passerer på krydstogtet.
(orientalsk restaurant)
Kun på Silver Spirit og Silver Muse
• Middag (reservation nødvendig) der opkræves ekstra betaling for spisning i denne restaurant.
Restauranten har specialiseret sig i fusion af de asiatiske køkkener, med det bedste fra Japan, Kina, Thailand, Vietnam og Indien. På dage til søs åbner Seishin til frokost og serverer frisklavet sushi og sashimi uden ekstra tillæg.
Inkluderet i prisen
(ændringer kan forekomme på Ekspeditions-skibene)
• Drikkepenge
• Champagne
• Udvalgte vine, drinks, øl og vand
• Alle gæster har personlig butlerservice
• Minibaren bliver dagligt opfyldt efter ønske med vand og alkohol
• 24 timers roomservice, med omfattende menukort
• Kasino
• Live musik
• Shows i teatret
• Fri adgang til barer og lounges
• Open seating i hovedrestauranterne
• Fri adgang til La Terrazza og The Grill, reservation nødvendig
• Udvendige og rummelige suiter,
• De fleste suiter har privat balkon.
• Forelæsninger
• Madlavningsdemonstrationer
• Selvbetjeningsvaskeri
• Aktiviteter ombord
Med søsætningen af Silver Shadow i 2000 introducerede Silversea Cruises sine gæster for næste generation af Silversea flåden. Lidt større, men med den samme intime stemning. Udover den ekstra plads bliver gæsterne ombord Silver Shadow mødt med Silverseas velkendte 6-stjernede service med sans for detaljer.
Hver suite er på minimum 27 m2 med stort marmorbadeværelse, walk-in closet og seperat sofahjørne. 80% af skibets suiter har privat balkon – det perfekte sted at nyde morgenmaden eller tage en cocktail inden middagen.
De offentlige rum ombord er store og rummelige, men samtidig med en intim og hjemlig atmosfære, hvor man altid føler sig godt modtaget.
Silver Shadow kan medtage 382 gæster og har en besætning på 295 fordelt på utalige nationaliteter.
Plads pr. gæst: 70,6
Besætning pr. gæst: 0,76
Kendetegn: Store flotte suiter, masser af plads ombord, spændende destinationer, imponerende morgenmads- og frokost buffet.
All-inclusive: Ja
Guest Relations Office
Observation Lounge
Shore Excursion Office
Beauty Salon
Pool Deck
Damp lokale
Card Room
Golf Nets
Udendørs Pool
Fitness Center
Fitness udstyr
Jogging sti
Personlig træning
24hr In-Suite Dining
Cruiselite Dining
Le Champagne
Pool Grill
Connoisseur Club
Dance Floor
Panorama Lounge
Show Lounges